Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love = Live.

I am glad I've finally watched this movie. No one ever told me it was that good. Maybe you don't feel the same way like I do, but to me, it was perfect. I could feel like I was in the movie, going through all of it, eventhough I have never done any of that before. It was like a dream come true, well only part of it. I've always imagined myself, alone, or maybe I could fit in another person into my little bubble, travelling around places I'd love to go and maybe places that I've never heard of. Sometimes I just close my eyes and drift into the places I'd imagine to go - the crowd, the street, the sounds.

I guess sometimes we just need to get a kick in the head or the butt, to truly see everything around us. It's just the simple pleasures of life that makes it all worth while right?

We all need dreams, we all need hope, that something more than what we have is possible to achieve.

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