Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stuck in reverse

When you loose something that can't be replace.
Have you ever felt like you're loosing something so precious,  it's like the friendship that you once built with another person or the great moments spent together with a loved one.  What if all of this vanish in front of you, Just because you're not willing to try to fix it.  What will there be left?  Nothing?

1 comment:

Geeko Outlet said...

You know what happened to me this year, and I guess it's kind of like what you're saying. I guess it depends on yourself. You have to decide whether it's worth it to hold on, whether it's worth it to let go. I guess if you really let go, if you don't put the effort, then all that's left will be the memories. Sometimes those are good enough, but sometimes you could have gotten more. :)

Less than three yo! :D