Thursday, May 28, 2009

How many ml/litre will I be?

I feel like melting.
You know.
Just melt.
Like yeah.
Just melt like that,
to the floor that I'm stepping on now.
Feel all watery and jellyfishy or squidwerdy.
( Without squidwerd's nose )
And just slide/walk/whatever

to wherever I want to.
How fun will that be!
But that's not gonna happen.
Oh too bad.

swimming is better. (:

Happy Birthday Annabelle !!!

remember the guy who took this photo for us
just did the blood donation
his hand was sooo shaky.


Amos said...

the picture...dont know what to say la :/ i reminds me of willy wonka somehow...

Annabelle said...

LOL! who's wonka!! me or jessie! haha..i just saw this jessie...aww so sweet thanks!!! :D :D :D :D :D

uguys have lotsa fun with ya lokas ya!

kenn said...

hey gotcha!!!u think that i cant find your blog right?woohoo too bad cause i found it