Sunday, August 24, 2008


Just so you know, I'm back. :)
Yeah. There's SO many things to say about during my trip. I don't know where to start with!!!
We spent 6 days staying at Poi Lam Independent school's asrama. Yeah. Their asrama bagus oh. Got aircon, the beds were enough for us. So ya... It was good staying there. :)

Our school girls volleyball team got 4th :P Yeap! I don't know what to say...
Next time the competition's gonna be held at KK. So... hope we'll improve and be ready for it :)

And there's this can-drink machine in their school, you know what's that? The one you have to put coins into the machine then choose the drink you want and press the button so you can get the drink you want? Yeah THAT! lLee Pei, Amy and I. woOOoow!
WE LOVE THE MACHINE! hahaha.. There's a story behind that. ;p

I love travelling in the bus. Yeah. Looking at the cars, trees, builidings... pass by... yeah.. Especially when we started our journey from Terminal LCC to Ipoh. Yeah. It was around 1-4am in the morning. Wow. Although it was dark, but you still can see a bit. Yeah, I enjoyed watching the trees in the dark. You'll be amazed by it. Keep waking up to take a look at the view outside. :)

Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson


Stefan McKitty said...

Hehe, glad to be back... hey, tell me abt the machine =P volleyballers r all nuts!! =P

Jim said...

its been long. (:
heard the whole trip was crazy. calling ken wong as jason mraz, okay. that's cool. x)
what about the fancy vending machine? lookin forward to hear from you. haha.

happy returning to school. :D

Puzzle Express said...

hahaha... nah... the story is not really that interesting.. haha.. :P

It's just something between me, lee pei and amy. our good memories :)

Geeko Outlet said...

vcending machine! so funny! too bad you guys didnt ask for the telephone no.!! wasted! but oh well. good story! =) =)

from now on. never brnig just enough coins! bring extra! hahahaha

Puzzle Express said...

or less... hehehe... hahahahhaha... cute guy... yeah.. too bad X)